REBEC 2009

At the beginning of the summer last year, from 23-25 June, the first specialized event under the name REBEC took place offering a two-day conference and a three-day fair manifestation. Without giving up the original concept, we announce this year’s II REBEC to take place from 22-24 June in the contemporary premises of ’’Sava“ Center in Belgrade.
The Serbian real estate market, regardless of the ongoing capital crisis, represents the market with greatest potentials as it is far from the definition of ’’saturated“ real estate market meaning that practically any kind of real estate can, even today, find its customer or user. Hence, there is chance that, upon the current crisis has consumed itself, real estate market in Serbia sets forth more intensively and faster in its further development compared to the surroundings.
For this year’s event and observing the originally determined objectives, the organizers will offer an even ampler program in comparison to the premiere which was assessed as a success. Unlike the premiere one, the three-day fair part will have 4 panel discussions with presentation of the topics related to the facility management development in Serbia and the region, trends in residential construction and projects and the situation in the retail space development. The last panel has been reserved for the restrospective of investment projects and ideas that marked the previous year 2008, which were the most read presentations at eGate protal.
In the conference part the organizers are going to repeat a two-day conception consisting of 4 (on day one) plus 3 (on day two) panels. Unlike last year, this time completely new themes will address project management, hotel industry development in Serbia and the region including the panel dedicated to the legal perspectives in Serbia. Among the remaining panels it is worth mentioning the introduction panel which will comprise urbanistic topicalities, greenfield and brownfield concepts of development in Serbia. Furthermore, we are going to provide quality debates on the current state of the capital crisis in Serbia and the region, the perspectives of using PPP financing model in Serbia and the ongoing situation related to the development of the contemporary office space.
According to all above mentioned, it is more than obvious that REBEC will meet the expectations with its contents, quality and complex topics.

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