IV Regional Real Estate Conference, Ljubljana 2014

This year in Ljubljana, a new round of regional meetings of professionals engaged in the real estate development on the territories of Serbia, Croatia and Slovenia is about to begin on 2nd and 3rd October. The process which was initialized in December 2012, turned two rounds from Ljubljana to Zagreb and Belgrade. FIABCI Slo, Filipovic and REBECare the three points in the yearly gathering route that for the third time is starting in October in Ljubljana.

Finally in its maturing phase, a conviction that business linking of professionals from these three markets creates in qualitatively and quantitatively high manner the basis and route for mutual interest-oriented collaboration, is becoming even stronger. Three relatively geographically close markets, but absolutely different with each other in this time of crisis definitively oriented, are creating a mutual network in a persistent, thorough and tendentious way.
It will be again an opportunity to exchange views that emerged during the up-to-now period, to launch new and identify existing business interests. This year's apparent advancement in April in Zagreb, formed by joining professionals from Bosnia and Herzegovina, which was repeated in Belgrade at this year's REBEC, continues in Ljubljana. And so the presence of professionals from Bosnia and Herzegovina will make its first round, passing through all three points of regional business cooperation.

According to the published program, it can be concluded that the organizers have made an extra effort to make the program more diverse and in accordance with the current situation in the region.

A stronger visit is expected from Croatia and Serbia, which therefore additionally confirms the quality of the pioneer vision offered and shown in December 2012 in Ljubljana.

On the following link you can see last year's round table III of the regional conference:

All additional information can be found at:
http://conference.fiabci.si/ & http://www.fiabci.si/

See you in Ljubljana, 2nd and 3rd October in the BTC City, Bratislavska cesta 8!