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Aleksandra Butulija

Aleksandra Butulija

Owner, CyberSpace,Serbia

During more than 20 years of work in the large IT corporations Microsoft, Oracle and IBM, I gained a lot of experience in working with different markets, enabling numerous users to apply the most modern technologies and thus improve their business. As Director of Development and Sales, I had great chance to  leading different teams in the multicultural international environment of Central and Eastern Europe. 

Until February 2019, I worked at Microsoft in the position of Architect for Cloud solutions, covering the CEE region, helping users and partners in the transition process from classic IT technologies to hybrid and Cloud solutions. After such great experience of working  in a corporate environment, I have opened new page in my carrier and started to developing my own company CyberSpace is company  specialized in special services in the field of cyber security.

We develped our own platform:  “In-Source” (IS) cyber security as know-how transaction business platform, that provides guidelines & support to companies to  build the highest level of own cyber security aligned with specific security and industry standards.

We are speialized in highly advanced cyber security services like Cyber Threat Intelligence, PKI infrastructure, advanced forensic analysis of cyber threats (attackers, malicious software, etc.), providing so-called. "Cyber ​​intelligence" services.

The company is headquartered in Belgrade, Serbia with a distributed structure in the Republic of Serbia (Belgrade) and the Republic of Srpska (Banja Luka). Cyber Space  team consists of security specialists with long experience working international agencies, CERTs and cybersecurity organizations.

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