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REBEC conference

REBEC (Real Estate Belgrade Ehxibition & Conference)

REBEC is an annual specialized event which brings together all relevant professionals from the area of real estate development. It is organized in two days through tens of panels, with a showroom where the most important current real estate projects are presented. Our speakers are top experts and representatives from renowned architects' studios, consultancies and law firms, as well as representatives of investors, academia, state administration and banks.


Rebec conference and fair started in June 2008 in Belgrade.

At the confluence of the two rivers which link the heart of Europe and the Balkans. The meeting point of the Danube and the Sava is Rebec's trademark. Partly modeled on largest world events in RE area, Rebec also kept the best of authentic spirit of the place it originated from. Initially conceived as a local event, it developed and spread regionally, and then to the whole SEE region. It sprung up from the desire and need for Belgrade to have its specialized event which will promote well-grounded and dynamic discussion, as well as its original unmistakable style. Fully aware of mythic expansion, but also depth which Real Estate, as a human activity, reaches we tried from year to year not to deviate from the set golden standard, and to provide a full coverage of current Real Estate topics. Today Rebec brings speakers from 33 countries.

Mission and vision

REBEC future

Although we cannot claim with certainty whether the name of Balkans comes from a Persian word meaning "mountain range" or from antique time of fight between Zeus and Typhon, we have no doubts which direction Rebec is moving in. Our mission is to make a network of the most outstanding professionals and provide floor for the exchange of experience, innovations as well as projections of future regional and European development. The quality of the exchange is our basic goal. At the crossroads of different worlds, in the city which is "North Gate" of the Balkan peninsula, our wish is to open the gate to the summit of an increasing number of exceptional leaders who are blazing the way while dealing with different challenges. Rebec is seen as a place of education and quality dialogue promoting the art of speaking, the place which can help us persevere on our roads to crystal heights.

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Hybrid conference

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