REBEC 2020 online, Part III “Precise and Wise Words of Our Appraisers”
On Thursday 8th May third specialized meeting was held, devoted to regional real estate development, under the title:
A Month Before, a Month After. And the „Break even?
This time we had an opportunity to listen to an impeccable output of first class professionals and appraisers, who made highly pertinent comments on the current trends in the region. The panel participants were the following:
- Anton Kožar, Director of RE Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia
- Armin Đozić, MRICS, RV, Chief of Collateral, Bosnia Bank International, Sarajevo, BiH
- Sanja Radović, Owner and director of Dreamy D.O.O, Podgorica, Montenegro
- Tomislav Perković, Founder and director of Centar Akcija D.O.O, Zagreb, Croatia
A meticulously prepared presentation by Mr Anton Kozar, director of RE Institute from Ljubljana was a starting point in this extraordinary discussion:
- Forecasts for the economic situation in the region and uncertainty in view of near future
- The criteria in the choice of appraising method, short-term & long-term; data reliability
- Similarities and differences among regional markets;
- Priority trends and activities;
- Prospects and expectations in the upcoming period;
In this panel we identified dominant tendencies and defined similarities and differences among regional markets in the area of appraising activities and we made recommendations for further activities, especially from the macro-economic aspect. We underlined the need for a database which would be of use to appraisers in all the countries of the region.
You can view the panel on REBEC YouTube channel:
or by link: