REBEC 2020 online premier, In the Beginning Was the Word
On Monday 20th April 2020 REBEC held its premier online gathering.
We decided to make a first step and open the discussion on how to deal with the current challenges and limitations, but also how to prepare for upcoming, clearly different future. We wanted to trigger and direct the energy of all REBEC representatives from regional community towards cooperation and free expression of opinions.
As organizers of REBEC platform dedicated to real estate development, networking and exchange of experience, it is our duty to initiate and stimulate the community towards action, even in extraordinary circumstances during the total lock down. This was achieved thanks to our outstanding speakers and exceptional professionals who understood the importance of their role at a historically uncertain moment.
Premier REBEC on-line panel "Current Situation and Future Real Estate Development in Serbia" the following speakers took part:
- Srđan Vujičič, real estate consultant
- Uroš Marković, Partner, Law Firm MVJ
- Nikola Đogatović, real estate expert in SEE region
- Alexander Samonig, Managing partner, Ecovis SEE
You can view the panel at REBEC YouTube channel:
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The next panel was arranged for 30th April. We shall discuss hotel development in the region. See you!