Bojan Stanojević, Partner, BOYDEN d.o.o. Belgrade

Working Experience
Jun 2008         do danas         BOYDEN d.o.o. Beograd, Construction Consultancy;
2004                maj 2008          City of Belgrade, Office of the Mayor of Belgrade, City manager;
2000                2004                  Executive Board of the City Assembly of Belgrade, Vice President
                                                     Infrastructure projects, Relations with IFIs and City trade unions;
1996                2000                  Municipality of Vračar, Executive Board of the Municipality of Vračar,
                                                     Vice President, Infrastructure and communal affairs
1994                1996                  Steel Trading Company “Jugometal” Belgrade,    
                                                     Head of Department, Hot and cold rolled sheet department
1989                1994                   University of Belgrade, Faculty of Economy, B.Sc. Economist
                          2007                  European Bank for Reconstruction and Development Infrastructure
                                                     Business Group’s, Infrastructure Public – Private Partnership
                                                      Training Program at the Joint Vienna Institute